极速狂飙_动作片_ - 三飞机站视频-正能量手机视频 
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    7.0 HD


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    Almost in breadth and depth of a documentary, this movie depicts an auto race during the 70s on the world's hardest endurance course: Le Mans in France. The race goes over 24 hours on 14.5 kilometers of cordoned country road. Every few hours the two drivers per car alternate - but it's still a challenge for concentration and material. In the focus is the duel between the German Stahler in Ferrari 512LM and the American Delaney in Gulf Team Porsche 917. Delaney is under extraordinary pressure, because the year before he caused a severe accident, in which his friend Lisa's husband was killed.


    • 5.0 HD 机械战士 阿隆·艾布拉姆斯
    • 8.0 HD 楼兰古卷之沙海魔窟 莫少聪,童飞,美浓轮泰史,许敬文,李义,周鸿波,董祥玉,杨凯迪
    • 4.0 HD 九叔之夜行疯魔 刘铁柱,曹旭,雷磊
    • 7.0 BD 美国迦顿 英迪娅·埃斯利,India,Eisley,迪娜·迈耶,Dina,Meyer,戴安·拉德,Diane,Ladd
    • 1.0 HD 蝙蝠侠3永远的蝙蝠侠 方·基默,汤米·李·琼斯,金·凯瑞,妮可·基德曼,克里斯·奥唐纳,德鲁·巴里摩尔
    • 4.0 BD 波斯王子:时之刃 杰克·吉伦哈尔,杰玛·阿特登,本·金斯利,阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳,史蒂夫·图森特,托比·凯贝尔,理查德·柯伊尔,罗纳德·皮卡普,瑞斯·里奇,吉斯利·厄恩·加达松,Claudio,Pacifico,Thomas,DuPont,Dave,Pope,Domonkos,Pardanyi,Massimiliano,Ubaldi,弗拉基米尔·弗迪克,塞尔瓦·拉萨林根,达尔文·肖,罗汉·希瓦,Stephen,A.,Pope,法尔扎纳·杜阿·鄂雷恩,Emmanuel,Akintunde,Craig,Braginsky,若昂·
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